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On a journey through the badlands and backwaters of America, Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg uncover a 60 year-old story stranger than any conspiracy thriller.

Through the fascinating account of his travels Pilkington reveals the long history of UFOria and its origins in the murky worlds of espionage, psychological warfare and advanced military technology.

As he meets intelligence agents, disinformation specialists and UFO hunters, Pilkington soon discovers that the truth about flying saucers is stranger and more complex than either the ufologists or debunkers would have us believe: instead of covering-up stories of crashed spacecraft, alien contacts and secret underground bases, the US intelligence agencies had been promoting them all along.

As Pilkington and Lundberg get closer to the source of these rumours, the line between truth and deception begins to disappear: they have entered a mirrored labyrinth, the domain of the Mirage Men.

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Read the reviews / Read the first chapter – Into the Fringe